Dating in times of uncertainty course with Dale Sparage

Make sense of love, dating and relationships in uncertain times.

Make sense of love, dating and relationships in uncertain times.

Love isn’t idealizing, it’s accepting. Love isn’t overgiving or sacrifice—it’s being together as we, staying inside the relationship. Become a better dater, learn how to be healthy in love and relationships.

Claim Your Spot Now

Online course begins September 6th, 2020. Limited spots available.


Coupling, Uncoupling and Deepening Relationships

As a Love and Relationship Coach, I work with you to become unstuck and evolve your relationships to new levels of mutual trust, love and connection. You’re in the right place if you’re ready to let go of living with frustration, fear and disappointment in your relationships.

If you’ve been struggling with love, dating and relating, tired of being ghosted, or bewildered by how someone does one thing on social media and something different in real life, then I’m here to show you there’s another way.

A broken heart may not always get you where you want to go but with the right help and support, it can take you where you need to be.


Coupling, Uncoupling and Deepening Relationships

As a Love and Relationship Coach, I work with you to become unstuck and evolve your relationships to new levels of mutual trust, love and connection. You’re in the right place if you’re ready to let go of living with frustration, fear and disappointment in your relationships.

If you’ve been struggling with love, dating and relating, tired of being ghosted, or bewildered by how someone does one thing on social media and something different in real life, then I’m here to show you there’s another way.

A broken heart may not always get you where you want to go but with the right help and support, it can take you where you need to be.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am trained by author and therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas, as a Mentor Coach and Certified in Calling in "The One" and Conscious Uncoupling. One program prepares us for love, and the other prepares us to let go of love.

My journey through a 30-year marriage, narcissistic abuse and over a decade of dating has taught me how to love deeply. I’ve let go of unhealthy patterns with men and learned how to relate and love successfully and happily. This led me to finding my life partner. I want this for you too.

Relationship Coaching is for you if,

Relationship Coaching is for you if,

  • You are in a new relationship. The beginning of a relationship is a critical time. Setting the foundation for a successful lasting relationship require conversations and agreements to avoid assumptions and misunderstanding.
  • You are disappointed and confused about how your partner is treating you and are at a loss as to what to do or how to initiate change in your relationship.
  • You are stuck in resentment, boredom or disconnect and not sure how to move out of this place.
  • You know you are in a toxic dynamic and cannot remove yourself from the situation.
  • There are things you know you need to talk about in your relationship but cannot seem to bring yourself to engage the hard conversations.
  • You’re single and not finding the one.
  • You’re breaking up or divorcing.
  • You are getting triggered and see a painful pattern that keeps recurring.

 What’s required of us are new skills 

What’s required of us are new skills

...and development that allow us to make sense of the lessons our relationships have to teach us. More than ever we need to be ready to move with the continuous flow of life. This requires internal strength, maturity, as well as support and guidance.

Relationship skills required of us now:
  • Deconstruct self-defeating patterns
  • Self responsibility
  • Awareness
  • Connection and listening to internal guidance
  • Self love; Self esteem
  • Clarity of needs and desires
  • Discernment

What does it look like to have the support and guidance of a Coach?

We’ll delve into what it takes to consciously couple, uncouple and how relationships are being repurposed in this Device-Centered age. We’ll explore together how to listen for your next steps and how to know what actions to take as you cultivate a greater understanding of your own inner knowing. You’ll learn skills and capacities that will empower you as you dive deeper into who you are authentically in the world and in relationships. You’ll have continued access to experienced guidance and expertise as you navigate the specific challenges that arise in your relationships.

Book a Free Consultation
Relationship skills required of us now:
  • Deconstruct self-defeating patterns
  • Self responsibility
  • Awareness
  • Connection and listening to internal guidance
  • Self love; Self esteem
  • Clarity of needs and desires
  • Discernment

What does it look like to have the support and guidance of a Coach?

We’ll delve into what it takes to consciously couple, uncouple and how relationships are being repurposed in this Device-Centered age. We’ll explore together how to listen for your next steps and how to know what actions to take as you cultivate a greater understanding of your own inner knowing. You’ll learn skills and capacities that will empower you as you dive deeper into who you are authentically in the world and in relationships. You’ll have continued access to experienced guidance and expertise as you navigate the specific challenges that arise in your relationships.

Book a Free Consultation

What’s required of us are new skills

Ready to let go of painful patterns keeping you from finding love?

Click below to receive this free meditation to Releasing Obstacles to Love.

Yes, I Want This!

What’s required of us are new skills


 What’s required of us are new skills 

What’s required of us are new skills

...and development that allow us to make sense of the lessons our relationships have to teach us. More than ever we need to be ready to move with the continuous flow of life. This requires internal strength, maturity, as well as support and guidance.

Book a Free Consultation


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Subscribe and get a free chapter of Dale's upcoming book Falling in Love in a World That's Falling Apart.

Has dating become a task of endless swiping and disappointing outcomes?

Navigating relationships in a device addicted culture requires a new level of learning and support. Checking and rechecking messages, likes, posts, and the endless compulsion to see to know to validate, takes us farther and farther away from what is essential, further from our core and the center of our feelings. The endless scrolling, scanning, and seeking numbs us down, tunes us out.

What does it mean to be with your hearts tender yearning and exist within a device centered dating culture? Stay up to date with the newest developments in the changing world of relating and relationships.