Are You Ready to Have the Kind of Love You Desire in Your Life Right Now?
Imagine if you could stop dreaming, longing and yearning for love and instead manifest the love you desire in your life right now?
Are you still carrying wounds from past relationships and struggling to change negative patterns in the ways you relate to a romantic partner?
Do you wonder if true love is possible for you?
Is it hard to turn off the critical inner voice around the idea that you are still alone?
Do you have everything together in your life but when it comes to love you loose your power?
Calling In The One™ is your blueprint to freedom.
If so, you're not alone. The key to creating lasting love is learning how to release the obstacles that are keeping you from having love so you can become who you’re meant to be.
Your relationship starts with you.
As someone who is probably already on a path of personal growth, Group Coaching is an opportunity to take that journey to a whole new level and manifest true love through the Calling in "The One" Program.
Why Calling In The One™ Group Coaching?
Calling In "The One" Coaching groups offer a safe & sacred container for transformation and for creating powerful visions of love.
Meet weekly with like minded individuals who are seeking love to visualize and manifest the love of your dreams. This is a private group with a limited number of spaces take action now to book your free discovery session.
Calling In "The One"™ group programs are where miracles happen!
• 8 WEEK •
Calling In The One Group Program
Begins 2019
Click here to book your free discovery session to see if this is your next step, or call Dale directly: 650-563-4440
Week One
Preparing for Love
How to move into the consciousness of possibility
Craft a powerful intention to manifest a miracle
Design the vision for your unique love
Week Two
Identify your inner obstacles to love
Complete relationships from the past that still have an energetic hold on you
Restore your power to create healthy connections
Week Three
Healing Core Wounds
Identify the story that you’ve been generating your love and life from
Access & actualize the ‘True You’
Connect from an empowered center
Week Four
Setting Your Course
Claim your future by developing what to let go and what to embrace
Week Five
First Things First
Open to Receiving Love
Accept your body unconditionally
**Special Guest Dr. Virginia Henry, DC Certified Tantra teacher will give a special presentation
Week Six
A Life Worth Living
Give form to the Action Steps you are taking to call love into your life
Commit to new ways of relating that you have taken on
Renew and revisit your intention
Week Seven
Living a Love-Filled Life
Stay in possibility; preparing for disappointments, delays and setbacks
Make your list
Stand firm in your commitment to self and intention
Week Eight
“The opportunity to join together with others in what essentially is modern day prayer creates a powerful state of completion.”
—Lynne McTaggart; The Power of Eight
I Invite You to Join This Advanced Learning Community as We Transform Our Energy into Pure Love Together!
As a Certified Love & Relationship Coach trained and mentored by Katherine Woodward Thomas in the Calling In "The One" Program I am honored to be your Guide on this journey towards creating and manifesting with the powers of the Universe, true love!
What people are saying about the Calling In "The One" group
The Calling In "The One" group has been exactly what I needed and has gone beyond my expectations. Truly transforming!
My relationships are too important for me not to understand what’s going on. I experienced much growth in a warm caring environment. I’m very happy that I chose to educate myself instead of reaching through the dark.